After a two and a half year holiday ScopeRise is back!   The break was due to a large restoration project of re-engineering over three decades of recordings from whatever media over to Reason and Scope.  In the meantime Scope developments have gained momentum with contributions from the likes of commercial developers such as dNa, Oceanswift, community developers and of course Sonic Core themselves with the release of Scope version 7.  Scope 7 itself brings improved compatibility with the latest Windows operating systems, several new devices, improved XITE DSP allocation and other optimisations.  And of course the legacy PCI cards are still supported with a new release of Scope 7 for PCI. 

dNa have kept the Scope candle burning over the last couple of years by bringing to market some great looking and sounding equipment racks brimming with versatility in a compact and easy to use form factor.   Oceanswift continue to amaze with a growing array of original devices and DAS have released an updated version of MasterIT.

Wayne from downunder has used the XITE to replace many VST components of his setup and shows us what can be done with the XITE live at the Darwin festival.  And we learn about the Yolngu people as well.  Our Time Machine series continues this time with interviews from the 80's with Klaus Schulze speaking about the Moog Modular.

On technique, Scope users discuss big music production and the golden days of tape.  Also on technique I have outlined my three year restoration project using Scope and Reason.


Part 4 of 'Time Machine' includes two interviews with Klaus Schultz on the early days of synthesizers in particular the ubiquitous Moog Modular.   Even though Darwin almost hits the equator its still referred to as 'DownUnder'.  Wayne reports on his experiences using the XITE at the Darwin Festival.   dNa have kept the Scope candle burning with new channel and effects racks released with great bundled deals including a free multiband compressor.   DAS MasterIT comes up with a solution for MasterIT users hit with a Microsoft Knowledgebase update that rendered this plug-in inoperable under Windows 8.


My own collection of compositions across different decades of audio technology fully reproduced and archived for preservation and fidelity.   Nostalgia rules as we trip back to the analog days with stories of tape in various formats and associated gear and some ideas on re-capturing the analog tape vibe.   Scope 7 has finally arrived offering further compatibility with newer operating systems and some new devices as well.   Kensuguro and Nestor give big tips about big music, but never forget education and hard work over quick brush sample libraries.
Dante's Covers

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SCOPE - Making Obsolescence Obsolete

Edition Twenty-Seven  Copyright 2017 © members of planetz and vendors